POST-PONED: Clone Brew-Off with BFD

Mystic Brewery 174 Williams St., Chelsea, MA, United States

Due to weather, event is post-poned until further notice We've entered into a bit of a friendly competition with BFD, our neighbors to the north.  Entries will be judged according to their ability to match the characteristics of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, not according to BJCP style guidelines. Entries will go into a blind judging session and the … Continue reading POST-PONED: Clone Brew-Off with BFD

February Meeting

Bang & Olufsen 141 Newbury St., Boston, MA, United States

We'll be hosting a club competition with some truly fabulous prizes from Bang & Olufsen for the winner.  The theme for the competition is Dark Beers (SRM of 25+), so get brewing and get creative.  We'll determine the winner by popular vote, so feel free to bend or ignore BJCP style guidelines.  To make sure we have enough … Continue reading February Meeting

Clone Brew-Off with BFD

Mystic Brewery 174 Williams St., Chelsea, MA, United States

We've entered into a bit of a friendly competition with BFD, our neighbors to the north.  Entries will be judged according to their ability to match the characteristics of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, not according to BJCP style guidelines. Entries will go into a blind judging session and the club with the best clone will win both bragging rights … Continue reading Clone Brew-Off with BFD

BJCP Mini-Comp #4

The fourth mini-competition of the 2014-2015 season of BJCP study group will be held March 12, 2015. The competition will tentatively cover Category 3 (European Amber Lager), Category 5 (Bock), Category 6 (Light Hybrid Beer), Category 15 (German Wheat and Rye Beer), and Category 18 (Belgian Strong Ale). If you are interested in competing, please … Continue reading BJCP Mini-Comp #4

March Meeting

Monthly meeting @ John Tyler's in East Boston. More details to come. Bring homebrew!

BJCP Mini-Comp #5

The fifth and final mini-competition of the 2014-2015 season of BJCP study group will be held April 16, 2015. The competition will tentatively cover Category 1 (Light Lager), Category 8 (English Pale Ale), Category 14 (India Pale Ale), and Category 19 (Strong Ale). If you are interested in competing, please contact Mark Keck to arrange … Continue reading BJCP Mini-Comp #5

April Meeting

Idle Hands Craft Ales 3 Charlton St #4, Everett, MA, United States

For the April meeting, we'll be hosted by our own Chris Tkach of Idle Hands Craft Ales. Chris will regale us with stories of going from homebrewer to pro-brewer and the brewing process for Idle Hands and hopefully Enlightenment.

Boston Homebrew Competition

Holland and Knight 10 St. James Ave., 11th Floor, Boston, MA, United States

Welcome back for another year! It is with great pleasure that The Boston Wort Processors present the 20th Annual Boston Homebrew Competition.  This is a BJCP Registered/Sanctioned event and we will be judging all 28 BJCP 2008 Styles for this competition! Registration for judges and stewards is now open. General entry registration will open Friday, March … Continue reading Boston Homebrew Competition

Meet John Palmer

Night Shift Brewing 87 Santilli Hwy, Everett, MA, United States

The Worts in conjunction with Night Shift Brewing will be hosting the author of How To Brew and Water, John Palmer, for a presentation on brewing water. John will be available to sign books and a social hour will follow.

May Meeting

For the May meeting, we will be at BK's in Medford. We will be sampling all of the results from the club IPA experiment (>20 single hop IPAs!)