May Meeting

Vince's Place Medford, MA, United States

The May 2016 meeting will be held in Medford at Vince's place (address sent on the mailing list). Meeting topic to be announced, but probably IPA related. As always, bring beer!  If you need the address, get in touch using our contact form.

Club IPA

Todd's Place Somerville, MA, United States

The next club batch is an IPA.  This time we will be varying the yeast to see what effect it has on the beer.  Half of the batch we will also be varying the water chemistry to see how noticeable it is.  The plan is to do the brew as a double batch off Todd … Continue reading Club IPA

June Meeting

Mystic Brewery 174 Williams St., Chelsea, MA, United States

The June 2016 meeting will be held in Chelsea at Mystic Brewery.  We will be discussing how the recent IPA club brew went and hearing from Mystic on everything going on with the brewery. As always, bring beer!  If you have any questions, get in touch using our contact form.

July 2016 Meeting

Phil Nerboso's Place Withheld; please check listserv

The July 2016 meeting will be held at Phil Nerboso's place in Belmont on Friday, July 15. Please see the listserv for the specific address, or if you are looking to join the club, email one of the officers (or all of us at to get the location.

August Meeting

Robert's Place Somerville, MA, United States

Meeting will be held at Robert Lindsley's place in Somerville.  We will be tasting the latest club IPA experiment where 2 barrels of IPA were brewed.  1 barrel received water treatment and 1 barrel did not and each barrel was split into smaller batches for fermentation with several different yeast.  Bring your hoppy homebrews if you … Continue reading August Meeting

September Meeting

Slumbrew 15 Ward Street, Somerville, MA, United States

Ever wondered what it's like to open a brewery?  Our friends at Slumbrew (Somerville Brewing Company) will chat with us about opening a brewery and some of their brewing techniques.


Mike Graney 147 Sycamore st, Somerville, United States



November Meeting

Nathan's Place Somerville, MA, United States

Our November meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday 11/15. We'll be at Nathan's place in Somerville. Nathan's place is a 10 minute walk from the Davis Square T stop. While there is a fair amount of metered parking, we strongly encourage everyone to take public transit. We will be holding the officer elections during this … Continue reading November Meeting

Holiday Party

Sam Adams Brewery - Pickwick Pub 30 Germania St., Boston, MA, United States

Join us for our annual holiday potluck and beer Yankee Swap.  Significant others and kids are welcome to join.  We'd love to get a rough head count, so please sign up HERE.  This year, a private tour is being held at 4:00 PM (an hour before the party starts), but is only open to those who sign … Continue reading Holiday Party