- Homebrew Clubs – we’re fans of brewing beer and sharing it with others. Whether it’s the Worts or another club, we encourage brewers to get together with other brewers.
- Ole Buzzard Brewing
- masholes
- New England Brews Club
- Northshore Brewers
- Boston Brewin’
- Fitchburg Order of Ale Makers
- Merrimack Valley Homebrewers Club
- South Shore Brew Club
- Strange Brewers
- Nantucket Homebrewers Association
- South Coast Homebrews Association
- Berkshire Homebrew Association
- M4: Mid-Mass Malt Masters
Homebrew Shops – we’ve listed both online and brick and mortar shops. We encourage you to shop local when you have the option.
- Modern Homebrew Emporium
- South Shore Homebrew Emporium
- West Boylston Homebrew Emporium
- DIY Brewing Supply
- Cape Cod Homebrew Supply
- NFG Homebrew
- Beer and Wine Hobby
- Boston Homebrew Supply
- Strange Brew
- Witches Brew
- Barleycorn’s Craft Brew
- The Hoppy Brewer
- Tamarack Home Brew Supply
- Plymouth Homebrew Supply
- Love2Brew
Brewing Calculators
- Tasty Brew
- Brewer’s Friend
- Brew Calcs
- Yeast Calc
- BIAB Brewing
General Homebrewing
- American Homebrewers Association
- Homebrew Academy
- Brew 365
- Basic Brewing Radio
- White Labs
Homebrew Blogs
- Mad Fermentationist
- Brew Dudes
- BeerSmith
- Wort Time Machine – post-2010ish