Our September meeting will be Tuesday, September 17 @ 7:30 PM. We’ll be hosted by the Wort’s own Garrett at Jack’s Abby in Framingham, just in time for Festbier season. The meeting will be held in the old Springdale taproom at 102 Clinton St. Parking will be in the lot at the corner of Clinton and Bishop. The main Jack’s Abby taproom and kitchen will be open for those who want to come early for dinner and pints. All are welcome. No homebrew or outside commercial beer in the taproom, but is ok in the meeting venue. Reach out to officers@wort.org for more information on the meeting and access to our club Slack.
The Steering Committee meeting will be held at Cambridge Brewing Company in Cambridge. We will be discussing club priorities and projects for 2018. Meeting is open to all club members in good standing. Due to space constraints, members should RSVP to officers@wort.org if they intend on making it.
Our annual Club Holiday Party is planned for Thursday, December 14 at Sam Adams Jamaica Plain brewery between 5 PM and 9 PM. This will serve as the December Club meeting. We will have a potluck food sign-up sheet shortly and there will be a Yankee beer swap for those who want to participate.
Our October meeting will be hosted by Samuel Adams Brewery at Building H on Thursday evening, October 26. The theme of the meeting will be Fest and Fall seasonal beers and ciders. Bring homebrew if you have it available! If you are not a club member, but would like to attend, get in touch using our contact form.