Category Archives: Club

Anything general club stuff.

September Monthly Meeting

The next club meeting will be on Wednesday September 19th starting at 7pm at the Pickwick Pub  at Samuel Adams Brewery in Jamaica Plain. 

If you haven’t made it out to the newly renovated facilities at Samuel Adams, this is a great opportunity to not only check it out, but to get a behind the scenes look, and maybe some special surprises!

Stay tuned for details on the specific topics we will be covering, but you can be sure there will be some awesome homebrew!

Click the event listings for more information, such as location and times.

July Monthly Meeting and Worts Picnic!!!

The July Monthly meeting for the Worts will also be our annual BBQ and will be held on July 21 from 2 PM to 10 PM. This year we are lucky to be hosted Tom Bell, Wort member and master cider maker at his house in Cohasset. More info to come on food and carpooling.

Located a short distance away are several beaches, if you’d like to take in some sun before the festivities begin!

For more information on the location, please see the event in the calendar.