May Monthly Meeting

The May Club meeting will at the Belmont Craft Beer Cellar’s Beercierge space on Thursday May 23rd starting at 7:30 PM.

We will discuss HomeBrewCon and NHC Final competition plans and activities . Look out for another email about HomebrewCon/NHC club activity info and volunteer signup sheet with the next May meeting reminder .

We will also be tasting any Hop Experiment beers that are ready for the May meeting .

For those of you who haven’t been to the the CBC Beercierge space, it is located in the basement underneath Belmont Books , 79 Leonard Street in Belmont. The Beercierge entrance is from the parking lot behind Belmont Books and CBC, via the same rear entry door for the Wellington pub . Go down the stairs and follow Beercierge signs. Please show your appreciation for our CBC hosts by stopping by the store and picking up some tasty beers for the meeting and /or home.

April Monthly Meeting

The April Club meeting will be held on Friday 4/26, starting at 7 PM at the pickwick Pub in the Sam Adams Brewery Complex in Jamaica Plain (30 Germania St, Boston, MA 02130). This meeting we will be celebrating the execution of, and performance of brewers, during Boston NHC Round 1. Additionally, we will be discussing our Homebrewcon and NHC finals activities and plans. If you had a beer medal, or score well at NHC, please bring some for everyone to share, and you will get some feedback for your rebrew.

Check out the calendar for more information

March Monthly Meeting/Annual Cider Meeting

The March club meeting will be held on Thursday March 7th from 7 – 9 PM at a members house in Beacon Hill. This meeting will be our Annual Cider centric meeting, so make sure not to miss it. The last two years we’ve had great Cider meetings, with rare tastings, expert advice and a tour of the best home-cidery in Boston!

Details on location will be sent via the Worts email list. If you are a non-member or do not have access, please reach out to us at for more info.

February Monthly Meeting

The February monthly meeting will be hosted at Band & Olufsen on Newbury Street on Wednesday Feb 13th starting at 700 PM. The theme of the night will be tasting the style shuffle results, so bring whatever beer you made for that to be sampled. Additionally we will be continuing our ramp up to NHC so if you have any potential entries make sure to bring them to get feedback.