The fourth mini-competition of the 2014-2015 season of BJCP study group will be held March 12, 2015. The competition will tentatively cover Category 3 (European Amber Lager), Category 5 (Bock), Category 6 (Light Hybrid Beer), Category 15 (German Wheat and Rye Beer), and Category 18 (Belgian Strong Ale). If you are interested in competing, please contact Mark Keck. Entry is free (but limited to members of the club or BJCP study group). Entries must be received no later than Tuesday, March 10, 2015.
All posts by DT
Iron Brewer
Secret ingredient was a breakfast theme – coffee, bacon, oranges, lactose, maple syrup, peanut butter powder.
Beers brewed:
* Saison w/ Orange Zest & Maple Syrup
* Coffee Milk Stout – Winner!
Secret ingredient was wood honeycombs – cherry, yellow birch, hickory, soft maple, hard maple, white ash.
Beers brewed:
* Smoked Amber w Soft Maple – Winner!
* Smoked Amber w Cherry
* Smoked Brown w
* Pale Ale w Hickory
Secret ingredient was Brett – C, B, Trois. Primary and secondary pitching amounts were provided.
Beers brewed:
* IPA – Winner!
* Dark Saison
* Orval-like Blond
Secret ingredient was a variety of honeys. Extract Based
Beers brewed:
* Wee Heavy
* Belgian Tripel (with & without Brett) – Winner!
* Belgian Quad (with & without sour mix)
Secret ingredient was dried fruits – cherries, apricots, prunes, raisins, cranberries.
Beers brewed:
* Belgian Quad w/ Cherries – Winner!
* Belgian Quad w/ Prunes & Raisins
* Amber w/ Raisins, Cranberries, & Apricots
* Pale Ale w/ Apricots
Brett IPA #2
[beer id=391 show_extras=”false”]
Continue reading Brett IPA #2
Brett IPA #1
[beer id=389 show_extras=”false”]
Continue reading Brett IPA #1

False Bottom / Mash Filter
Contributed by Jonathan Zbikowski.
Yo check this out. I was grinding my grains too fine with a Corona mill and cordless drill, plus I had a stuck mash for the original Big Barrel Brew with 40lbs of grain – Sucked! I’ve been using rice hulls but is not a good situation when I forget to buy them, so I took Ben Evans idea of using a window screen over his false bottom to prevent clogging and merged it with Wade’s hop filter.